In happier news...
Today, the announcement was made that Big Brother Season 22 is officially a go! Julie Chen will come back to host. I, too, will be back next season. Let's hope it's way better than this season so I have a ton to blog about!!!
Okie dokie, tonight's Double Eviction starts at 9pm ET, so grab your snackies and meet me back here then!! :D
9:00pm ET:
The double eviction show begins....
The Votes:
Holly votes to evict...JESSICA
Nicole votes to evict...JESSICA
Christie votes to evict...JESSICA
Tommy votes to evict...JESSICA
Evicted from the BB House is:
Houseguests will now play a quick HOH Comp:
It's a puzzle comp + shooting a ball into a net once the puzzle is finished.
Winner of the HOH is:
Nicole just told Christie that she might see herself up on the block. Then commercial.
Nominated for Eviction:
Houseguests will now play the veto comp:
Winner of the Veto Comp is:
The Veto Ceremony Results:
Cliff did NOT Use Veto
The Votes:
Jackson votes to evict...CHRISTIE
Holly votes to evict...CHRISTIE
Cliff votes to evict...CHRISTIE
Evicted from the BB House is:
Christie said that she's proud of herself for getting to Final 6 and thinks Tommy is the bigger threat.
Julie said there's 20 days left and Swaggy/Bayliegh will be back to host the new HOH Comp and this weeks Veto Comp is BB Comics!
*End of show.*
Stay tuned...
Nicole just handed the game to Jackson or holly
They couldnt put togeather a more clueless group if they tried. Cliff proved last night he is as clueless as the rest. And how Christi missed the last pov question is beyond me.
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