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Friday, August 2, 2019

Friday:Nominations Ceremony Spoiler

Happy Friday, BB fans!! Okay, so yesterday we saw Sam got evicted and then at the end of the live show that the HOH Comp was gonna be played off the air and when the feeds came back on...

The New HOH is:

Yes, you read that right! lol At first, I was like oh no, this is going to be a horrible week. But I will admit, so far, this week is going great! Let me just fast-forward to the Nominations Ceremony that was held today...

Nominated for Eviction are:

See what I mean?! lol Okay, so HOH Jessica nominated Jack/Jackson for eviction this week. Jack is the target, while the house is being lead to believe that it's Jackson. If you remember, Christie still has her Whacktivity Power (this is the last week she can use it) but she's told both Jessica and Tommy (separately) that she will not be using it. So, if all goes as planned, then that power will die this week without being used.

Last night after the HOH Comp, Jessica/Nicole/Cliff/Kat swore loyalty to each other. Then today, Nick told Jessica that it's them 5 (Nick/Jess/Nicole/Cliff/Kat) VS (Jack/Jackson/Chrisie/Tommy/Analyse/Holly), so it can be 5 vs 5 by the end of her HOH if she played her cards right this week.

Nick: "They say the 6 is dead but, I dunno...Just know that I am in your corner. We literally need each other, or (the 6) are just gonna pick us off, one by one. They just picked off Sam and they picked off Bella."

In other news, Julie revealed the Field Trip Twist:
The most voted Top 3 will play in a comp. Winner is safe that week from eviction. 2nd place gets a punishment. 3rd place becomes the 3rd nom on the block. We will find out who the 3 most voted for HG's are on the August 11th Sunday nights episode. (We'll know earlier than that on the feeds, I'm sure.)

And last but not least...
There was an 80 minute feeds leak video on YouTube (it has since been taken down by CBS) that showed what happened yesterday right before the live show. It showed mainly the Six Shooters breaking up in the lounge room (aka Boat Room), as Nick/Jessica/Nicole/Cliff/Kat heard from the outside. Jack/Jackson even fought, with Jackson saying he trusted Jack and he shouldn't have. I know we'll see a lot of that footage on Sunday night's episode, so if you didn't see it, don't worry. The juicy stuff will be shown then for sure. 

Tomorrow (Saturday) is the Veto Comp! Who will get picked to play? Who will win? Will it change the noms? We'll have to wait and see! For now, I'm just refreshed that I'm able to enjoy the live feeds for once! lol :D Have a great night, guys & gals!!

Stay tuned...
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