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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thursday: Live Eviction + HOH Spoiler

Good evening, ladies & gents! Tonight at 9pm ET/8pm, we will watch either Jessica or Kemi get, who am I kidding, it's gonna be Kemi. There was some flip flopping on saving Kemi this week, but ultimately it came back to just getting Kemi out.

We didn't really miss too much (..that's becoming the theme of this craptastic season lol), except that Jack let it slip to Sam about the Gr8ful Alliance during a convo in the storage room. He tried to back-peddle and cover his tracks by saying "the 9 of us", but Sam caught on.

In other news...
This season is truly like any other season prior; the show edits are so far from what's happening on the feeds, that the casual watchers (aka non-live feedsters) think Kemi is the bad one and Jack is a good guy. *head desk* I also didn't like (on last nights show) how BB aired Sam's news about his grandfather passing away the other day. That's such a private moment and not game related. It didn't sit well with me. What did you guys think? Either way, my deepest sympathy to Sam and his family on their loss of 'pop'. :(

So tonight, we will watch Kemi become the 3rd member of Camp Comeback (joining David and Ovi), and then the HG's will be battling it out for the title of HOH. Kemi has her "epic" speech already prepared and went over it with Nicole today, so we have that to look forward to.

I won't be blogging live, but I will be updating this post immediately after the episode, and I'll be over on Twitter live-tweeting with y'all as I watch tonight's live show.

Votes to Evict:
Everyone except Jackson voted to evict....

Evicted from the BB House is:


(Jackson threw a wonky vote for Jessica just for fun.)

The New HOH is:


I'll be back tomorrow with a new post so we can see what Nick's thinking for nominations and see if there's any chaos from Jackson's wonky vote! Have a good night, guys!!

Stay tuned...
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Razldazlrr said...

Hey Jamie! Yep, the way they are editing the show to make it look like Jack and Jackson are good guys is disgusting.

I agree with you - I didn't like the way they handled the death of Sam's grandfather. There was no reason to record his response in the diary room or bring it up on a live show. She could have given him her condolences during a commercial etc. They do that and then don't show the truth about the creeps.

A lot of these people remind me of high school meanies - interesting that Kemi says she was one of the worst but she doesn't compare to some of these players.

When I read the bios of the people before the show started I thought they looked like a real bore overall. I miss the days when they brought in true BB fans that wanted to play the game. Now, it's more like a Bravo housewives show.

Holly said...

I told my hubby last night as Sam was in the D.R. crying that BB should not have shown that.

Lui said...

I hope the power that comes back to the game is pandoras box first just because I have been wanting to see it again

Pauline said...

I know this blog is dedicated to the fun that is BB. But honestly this year has become exhausting and depressing to watch. To me it seems like an exercise in knowing when to walk away for your mental health, both as a houseguest and a viewer. I’d love to know your thoughts on the Kemi/Bell spat, as well as H8tful+Sam flipping on Nicole.

Nancy M said...

Yes I hated seeing that about Sam. But idk it seems to me like this season they are not putting effort in BB production and cast included. This cast has a lot of obnoxious people in it with like 4 exceptions. Hope it turns around somehow

Jamie said...

Pauline, I agree. :( What happened to our fav show?! *sigh*

Jamie said... on comment!! I co-sign.

Unknown said...

The most disappointing season thus far..Nick and Bella are bullies...

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