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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Saturday: The Overnighter

Good morning and Happy Saturday, y'all!! The feeds have been...interesting...(but still hard to stomach) since Thursday night. After Thursday's live eviction episode, there was a spat between Kemi/Bella and it escalated quickly.

I'm sure they'll show this on Sunday night's episode.

If you remember on Thursday's live show, Jackson threw a wonky vote to stir up some chaos. He went around saying he thinks it was Nicole, but his over-blaming set off alarm bells with other HG's (he was being too obvious).

Yesterday, the HG's had their final Whacktivity Comp. We learned at 5:12pm BBT that Christie has won it. (She told Tommy.) She won the Diamond Power of Veto. It can only be used once in the next 4 weeks during the Veto Ceremony. She can take a nom off the block and make the renom choice.

The HG's also had their Nomination Ceremony yesterday. The feeds came back on at 6:34pm BBT from the Nomination Ceremony and..

Nominated for Eviction is:


I'm unsure of the target, as Cliff/Jessica/Nicole (via backdoor) have been mentioned so far as being this weeks target and depending on who wins Veto, the target could shift again. It appears that it's Cliff as of now, but we'll have to wait and see.

In other news, Cliff now knows (thanks to Nicole filling him in 9:22am BBT) that HG's are aware of his morning "Cliffnotes" chats with us feedsters. He apologized to Nicole for any damage he might have done to her game and said he had no idea that he could be heard.

Nicole also warned Cliff that others are trying to pin the wonky vote on him (and Nicole).

At 9:47am BBT, Christine told Nick that she thinks it was actually Jackson who was the wonky vote (*bingo.) and Nick agreed.

In other news..
Yesterday, Bella stirred up a lot of sh*t. And I mean a lot. Nicole told Bella that she was not the wonky vote on Thursday. Then right before Nick went to his Noms, Bella twisted this and said that Nicole told her Nick/Bella were "bullying" her. This lead to a whole big mess. The 'Hateful Gr8ful' were in the HOH room throwing Bella under the bus with all their stories and spewing hate for this nice girl in the most disgusting fashion.

Nicole went up to the HOH room to talk to them and Jackson said "Now's not a good time." and shut the door in her face. (6:45pm BBT) Then Jack walked up and was allowed in, while Nicole was right there and watched.

This hurt Nicole's feelings and told Cliff/Ovi that she's not a '7 year old child', and that's how they (the Gr8ful Alliance in the HOH rom) are treating her. Then Ovi went up to tell them that what they just did to Nicole was not right. (They didn't let him in either, so he said it loudly through the door.) (6:56pm BBT)

Basically the house is separated by nice people (Ovi/David/Nicole/Kemi/Cliff/Jessica/Kat) VS toxic people (Jack/Jackson/Bella/Nick/Christie/Analyse/Holly/Tommy/Sam). I'm the most disappointed in both Sam and Nick, as I thought they were better than that. Both are huge disappointments.

Moving on...
At 12:25am BBT, Nicole tried to have a talk with Bella, but it went south pretty quickly. She then went and told the Jacks all about her convo, because well..that's ratBella for ya.

And that's it for this Saturday's Overnighter! I want to thank every single one of you who has either donated to the blog and/or bought the feeds through the blog this season. While this is (so far) the absolute worst season in BB history (according to all BB fans on Twitter), I will still be here reporting all summer long. Some days I'll do a post, other days I may not. But I will always make sure that we are fully caught up to speed (which, honestly, isn't that hard to do with this cast, since they're barely even playing the game right now lol). Most weeks will be predictable and I don't see that changing at all this whole season. (Oh, how I hope I'm sooo wrong on that!) I think the ugly side of the house is just gonna destroy the nice side, and then the Jacks will just start picking off the rest off one by one, unless someone grows a pair and actually guns after them.(Yeah, right.)

So with all that being said, go outside..enjoy the beautiful weather and bask in the summer sun! I'll make sure we're always caught up here on the blog, so no need to worry. :) Have a great Saturday, guys!!

Stay tuned...
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Dawn said...

Why do you have Sam in the toxic group? Has he done something that I missed? He was meeting with the H8ful Gr8ful, but I would still put him with the nice people. I don't watch anything but the regular tv episodes, though, which is why I'm asking. thanks!

Jamie said...

Sam was in the HOH room laughing and participating. THat makes him just as guilty.

Leslie said...


Missy said...

I thought Sam was one of the few decent people too but after he was included in that anti nicole mess and a story he told about an elderly man that had a job cleaning up and he got hurt on the job, Sam said he didn't feel bad for the guy if he couldn't do his job. Kind of comes out as a jerk.

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