BB fans, we can all rejoice!
Big Brother has been officially renewed for another season yay!!!! (Let's hope it's
wayyyy better than this season! lol) Julie Chen will be back to host BB22 and I also will be back to blog! :D I know I haven't been here much this year, but this season is so dull, it's a bloggers worst nightmare. To everyone who has donated and/or bought the feeds through the blog again this season, a HUGE thank you to every single one of you!!!! It's *only* because of you guys and gals that I am here this season. No support = no blog. Simple as that. While the support hasn't been much this year, it's definitely understandable. I know a lot of y'all have been as disappointed in this season as I have been, I totally get it. So here's hoping that BB22 end up being spectacular season!!! :D
Moving on....
Every year, I make a blog post that's kind of an update on me/my life behind the scenes. It's my way of connecting with you guys so that you can get to know the person behind the screen. Through the years, I have made a lot of friends from the blog, with some that I've had the pleasure of meeting in real life and absolutely love! It's also how you guys and gals got know Bella (my golden retriever that passed away 1 1/2 yrs ago) and I know a lot of you shared my grief when she passed away. I still miss, and will forever miss, that little girl.
As most of you know, my husband and I have since rescued 2 dogs (both are the same age): another female golden retriever like my Bella was...her name is Brianna. We also have another rescue dog named Benny, who is some sort of mix. (We think he might be a Black Mouth Cur/Pitbull mix. We plan on doing a doggy DNA kit on him at some point.)
Brianna and Benny are the best of friends, 2 peas in a pod, attached at the hip to each other. They both will be turning 2 yrs old in a couple of months already and have gotten so big!! My babies!!! :D
Benny is the super lovey dovey type. He's my sensitive kid. Wears his heart on his sleeve. I've thought about making him a therapy dog because if you're sad and/or crying, he can sense it and will climb up your leg to kiss you and lick your tears away. He's amazing!!! My little love bug. He has a goofy personality, full of head tilts and making (what I call) Benny-boo noises (they're playful soft-whimpers of happiness). He's always smiling and loves meeting strangers! He's very loyal, extremely smart and is the most adorable dog.

Brianna is the opposite of Benny in a lot of ways. (Opposites attract, right?! lol) She is a brute, runs like the wind, makes agility courses of her own in our backyard, not really that affectionate but she will come to you to demand you give her lovins. lol Unlike Benny, if you're crying or in need of a hug, she'll refer you to her brother for support as she continues to take a nap. haha She's the alpha out of the two, and possibly more alpha than my husband and I combined! She's also a bit of a charmer and knows how to work those eyes of hers to get what she wants. I call her my "little fat kid" (even though both of them are lean from their raw diets) because she's an absolute food junkie! If you have food, she wants it. Food on the counter? It'll be gone. Cooking food? She'll wait patiently to see if you give her any scraps. Opening up a bag of chips? Here she comes! lol

About 3 weeks ago, Brianna was doing her full-powered running laps in our backyard and when she came around a corner (where I was standing), she took my knee out. Her hitting my knee felt like I got hit by a car going 30 mph. My shoe and sock flew off from the impact, that's how hard she hit me. lol
The result? I have a sprained knee. It was also partially dislocated, but luckily it popped back into place on its own about a week later. Brianna seemed to have felt bad for the mishap and has been a mamas girl ever since. It's actually made us bond even closer! :) I should've been paying more attention to where I was standing when she was running, since I know how she gets when runs her laps. lol She's also still a puppy (mentally), and I'm sure she didn't know her own strength. I'm sure she does now, though! lol ;)
In other news...
Since this season of Big Brother has been lackluster, I had a great summer for the first time in a decade (since I started blogging BB)! Those of you who have followed me from Day 1, know that I take Sunday's off to do summer stuff, but I work the other 6 days blogging and working my full time job. This summer, I've had so much downtime that I was able to get out and do so much stuff that I've missed out on due to blogging BB all these years. Swimming at state parks, river tubing, road trips, waterparks,'s been a great summer! So I guess that's silver lining for me during this not-so-great BB season. I didn't realize how much time I've spent in previous years watching hours upon hours of the feeds and blogging until this summer. So next year, I'll do a balance of blogging and summer activities. Hey, I'm not getting any younger. ;) Enjoy life while ya can!
And that's it for this post! I hope you guys & gals also had a great summer! I'm looking forward to the Fall (once my knee heals) and going to some Haunted Houses. I love Summer, but Fall/Halloween is my 2nd favorite season of the year.
We only have a couple more weeks until the BB21 Finale, and with an excellent Final 5, it should make for a great ending to this season!!
Cheers, darlings!
Stay tuned...
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