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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday: Final Veto Comp (Spoiler)

Happy Sunday, BB fans!! Yesterday, us feedsters waited around for hours for the feeds to come back on from the Final Veto Comp of the BB21 season. Feeds went off at 2:30pm BBT and came back on at 7:20pm BBT.

Nominated for Eviction is:

And now, without further ado...

Winner of the Final Veto Comp of the BB21 Season is:

As I noted in my last post, the Veto this week is more powerful than HOH. The Veto holder, Jackson, has the sole vote to be cast this week and this also means he automatically just advanced to Final 3 with Nicole (HOH). So, who will be joining those two for F3? It'll definitley be Holly, as you probably already guessed. (This was confirmed by Jackson last night.) Jackson lied to Cliff pre-veto comp and said he'd bring him to F3 and cut Holly, and not only did Cliff believe him, but he still believes that Jackson will stay true to his word. Nope. Sorry, buddy. So as of now, Cliff is in the dark about going to jury this Thursday.

Last night at 2am BBT, Jackson/Holly talked about if he should use the veto on Holly (so that Holly votes out Cliff and she gets the blood on her hands, which would help him with the jury votes). Holly promised Jackson that if he saved her with the Veto, she would never vote him (Jax) out.

In other news, the HG's had a Luxury Comp and it appears that Jackson won $10,000.

Tonight is a new episode of Big Brother and I'm not really sure how they're going to fill the whole hour, since the HOH Endurace Comp lasted about 5 minutes. lol I know they're also going to show the Tommy/Jackson fight, nominations, and the luxury comp. Maybe the editing room can work their magic and stretch out footage. :P

Okie dokie, I'll be back tomorrow with the Veto Ceremony spoiler. Until then, enjoy your weekend!!

Stay tuned...
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Matt said...

Ppl keep saying Jackson will win now. I don't think so if he takes holly to the end (assuming Nicole doesn't win last hoh) then cliff or Nicole won't vote for him cause he broke the deal to keep holly safe and tommy and Christy (cause if the BIG lie he told) won't vote for him and neither will kat they will all vote for holly. If he takes Nicole its the same but holly won't vote for him because he betrayed her plus I don't think anylese won't vote for him either. What will be interesting is if Nicole and holly end up final 2 tho I think Nicole will still win. She actually has more wins than holly ...thoughts?

Unknown said...

I hate that Jackson told Cliff and Nicole that he has always wanted final three with them. So if that's true, Cliff and Nicole should've known that it shouldn't have mattered if Tommy or Holly went to jury!

Unknown said...

I guess no one has anything good to say so sorry no comment.

Unknown said...

I don't know how anyone who had the chance to get Jackson out didn't jump at the chance. It séems like he's won more comps than everyone combined. I predicted Nicole as the winner back when almost the whole house thought she was against them. I hope she pulls it off, especially after the stunt Jackson pulled on Tommy to save Holly. Fingers crossed🤞

Kimberly said...

So this is "poetic justice" of sorts....Nicole def did not believe Michie at all, yet Cliff did...and now, Cliff is getting the ax
TBH i am glad it worked out this way because if Nicole ends up in the final 2 (please please please I hope hope hope) then she will def win BB...Cliff will most like tell the jury about the bs Michie pulled
Anyway, just my $0.02 thanks for the update Jamie!

Unknown said...

This is the worst season of BB. I'm really disappointed of. BB ever.

Unknown said...

I hope Jackson or Holly win Nicole and Cliff are such morons and amateurs and didn’t know how to play the game ! They both deserve to lose they had the chance to evict Holly when they had the chance but didn’t have the spine to carry it out ! So long losers!!!😆😆

Unknown said...

Send Cliff packing, he told Nicole that he was dumping her plus he steered her into dumping Tony.

Unknown said...

Jackson doesn’t deserve to win, he lied all the way around to everyone. FAKE!!
Sorry Michie.
Holly or Nicole deserve the big win.

Unknown said...

Nicole should not hold any animosity towards Jackson on how he uses the veto power. She had no issues with considering a big game move to evict Holly even tho there was a Final Four for several weeks prior. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Jessica French said...

I feel like Jackson has done everything he has done to get himself this far in the game.
I hope Jackson wins cause he has played the hardest.

10ACTony said...

Cliff has to be the dumbest player in BB history.

Drea said...

Not sure but last year the person who came in forth did they even make it to the jury house? Thought they just had them in a hotel do you remember Jamie? I know 3rd place did not go either but something is telling me forth did not go either?

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