After Jack gets evicted, we'll then see the houseguests battle it out for the title of this weeks HOH! It all starts at 9pm ET so make sure you have your snackies ready to goooo!! Happy #JackEvictionParty day!!!
9:00pm ET:
Show begins...
The Votes:
Holly votes to evict...Jack
Analyse votes to evict...Jackson
Christie votes to evict...Jackson
Nicole votes to evict...Jack
Cliff votes to evict...Jack
Nick votes to evict...Jack
Tommy votes evict...Jack
Kat votes to evict...Jack
Evicted from the BB House is:
Wow! Julie is calling Jack out on all the things he said about Kemi. Jack is apologizing. Wishes he could take it back. Says the "stomp a mud hole through her chest" was from Sam last season.Julie then asked Jack about his comment on "Proof is in the rice pudding" (about Bella, being Asian) and Jack said in that conversation, they were talking about rice in the slop and has nothing to do with her being Asian. Jack thanked Julie for asking him so he could clear things up.
The New HOH is:
Julie mentioned the Field Trip twist thing...
...we'll see that on Sunday at 8pm ET/7c. Also, Wednesday the time for BB21 changes to 8pm ET/7c.
Have a good night, guys & gals!!
Stay tuned...
hit the road jack and dontcha come back no more no more no more hit the road jack!
Sorry to be mean....I just can't stand his arrogant "pretty boy" self....good to see him knocked down a peg
Sooooo... Is Tommy still able to be nominated for the field trip?
Just Jack got evicted as Nicole said. I love that girl, she's my pick for favorite player.
Thank goodness Love Island is OVER!
Meee toooo!!
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