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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Thursday: Live Eviction

Hey guys & gals, yes I am here!! I just hit a wall and couldn't stand to listen, watch or blog about this season for this past week. lol We didn't miss anything all week, though...until last night when all hell broke loose. It's a lot to cover and tonight's show is going to detail it, so don't worry about missing anything. The breakdown of it all is that everyone's game is now blown up, Kat is going to be evicted tonight, and the messy feeds last night seems like it was all because of Jessica and Nicole. Like I said, we'll see it all unfold on tonight's live show.

Okie dokie, tonight's live show will start at 9pm ET/8pm as usual and the HOH Comp will be shown on the feeds!! So if you still got the feeds, turn'em on right after the show.

9:00pm ET:
Show begins....

The Votes:
Nick votes to evict KAT
Christie votes to evict KAT
Analyse votes to evict KAT
Nicole votes to evict KAT
Jess votes to evict CLIFF
Holly votes to evict KAT
Jackson votes to evict KAT

Evicted from the BB House is:

The HOH Comp is endurance and will be shown on the feeds. I will update on here, Twitter and also the FB group when it's over!

The New HOH is:

Stay tuned...
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BBWatcher said...

Would you tell me the name of the FB group?

Leroy Janecek said...

Jackson won!!

Matt said...

Nicole was stupid. She can't trust the other side and made a mistake. I NEVER thought id be rooting for Jackson to win hoh. If Christie tommy or nick win this year I might just stop watching

Nancy M said...

Hello jaime i dont blame you for taking a week off. Jackson better put Christy and tommy if hes smart but since hes not watch him put Christy with a pawn when its kinda late for pawns right?

Unknown said...

I am so disappointed Jackson is the bew HOH 😔

Have you ever watched BB canada? In my opinion, it offers everything I am missing in the last few seasons of Big Brother.

Atlanta said...

Is it better casting? The last few years of BB are just boring!

Unknown said...

Yes! Better casting, and more actual twists!

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