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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Saturday: Veto Spoiler

Happy Saturday, everybody! Jackson (HOH) nominated Christie/Analyse for eviction yesterday and today was the Veto Comp. Jackson's target this week is Christie so it's imperative that he wins veto to ensure his noms stay the same.

Without further ado..

Winner of the Veto is:


So it's bye-bye Christie this week. The other players in the veto comp today were Cliff/Nick/Holly. Apparently, Analyse picked Holly's chip out of the bag and was not happy about that.

Christie knows she's going to jury and has been crying to Tommy about it already. It's going to be a long, tear-filled week for us feedsters! lol

Christie is saying that she knows everyone is going to vote how Jackson wants them to vote and that it must be "meant to be" (her going to jury). I'll keep y'all updated on anything major but Christie just said that she's not going to campaign against Analyse and she knows she's done. It's a pretty done deal this week.

Veto Ceremony is Monday, where Jackson will solidify his noms staying the same and then the live eviction on Thursday as usual.

Stay tuned...
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Matt H. said...

Yay! Best week ever!

Unknown said...

I feel like this blog is barely being updated this season, such a bummer.

Jamie said...

Unknown..correct. There's 3 reasons for this:

1) I'm not getting paid to do this, with the exception of the few awesome donators.

2) There's no strategy, no drama, no anything. Horrible casting this year. Beyond horrible. (Also ratings are the lowest in BB history this season).

3) I sprained my knee a week ago and it's no picnic hobbling to my laptop to blog about a show that's boring and one I don't get paid for..all while in pain. Not exactly motivating. lol

Wish I could blog more but..yea. It is what it is.

Marce said...

I'm thankful to you for even keeping the blog going, especially with this cast of characters!!

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