If you're wondering why Christie isn't leaving (this weeks original target), then scroll down one post and read the Vote Flop post.
Okie dokie, grab your snackies and let's goooo!!!
9:00pm ET:
Show begins...
Julie said there's a new twist this week called "PRANK WEEK". (This was leaked on Twitter a little bit ago. Check my Twitter for the retweet.)
9:06pm ET:
Christie said in a D.R. session that she doesn't wanna leave because she wants to get Nick out or at least cut the head off the snake on her way out. She thinks Nick is gonna make it to the end of the game and she doesn't like that.
The Votes:
Jessica votes to evict...ANALYSE
Nick votes to evict...CHRISTIE
Tommy votes to evict...ANALYSE
Holly votes to evict...ANALYSE
Nicole votes to evict..ANALYSE
Cliff votes to evict..ANALYSE
Evicted from the BB House is:
Julie announces to us and the HG's that the BB Birdwatching that kept them up all night studying different bird sounds was a prank on them. lol
The New HOH is:
Jessica/Cliff/Nicole are the HG's that will receive a punishment for being the lowest scoring in the HOH comp (Nicole/Cliff tied, otherwise it would've been only 2 HG's for the punishment).
HOH Holly will be pranked during her reign. Next week is Zingbot!! Yayy!! :D
HOH Holly will be pranked during her reign. Next week is Zingbot!! Yayy!! :D
Stay tuned...
Someone compared the "fight" with Nick (which started the Keep Christie campaign) to Dan's funeral. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
Jackson is a disgusting, mental, verbal and emotionally abuser and he makes nick do the same. He and nick are verbally vulgar abusers
Jackson is evil
I feel sorry for Holly, Michie is not good relationship material.
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