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Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday: Noms + Prankster Twist

Good evening, ladies & gents and Happy Friday to y'all!! Today was the Nomination Ceremony and we also learned who the Prankster is for the twist this week. Let's see what all went down...

Prankster Voted By America:

Holly Nominated:

Prankster Nominated:

So we have Nick/Christie on the block this week. What's funny about this, is that Holly was going to nominate both Nick/Christie anyway, so this is yet another failed twist. lol There's also speculation if there'll even be an eviction Thursday and then a Double Eviction at some point (right now, the weeks don't add up for a D.E. but it would if there was a "prank" on us BB fans by there not being an eviction.) We'll have to wait and see about that one. By the way, Nick hasn't told anyone (yet) that he's the prankster. He told Nicole that whoever the prankster is, did him a favor by putting Christie up.

Moving on...
Today the HG's passed a BB season milestone. They got their smaller table! Congrats to all, it's a big accomplishment.

In other news...
Cliff/Nicole/Jessica have already been getting their punishment pranks from the HOH comp yesterday. Pies to the face!!

Tomorrow is the Veto Ceremony and we'll have Zingbot in the house! Can't wait to hear all the things he says to the houseguests! lol Have a good night guys!!

Stay tuned...
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1 comment:

Joni said...

Production didn't do a very good job talking Nick into nominating Miche! on the flip side... The floaters are flying super under radar...

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