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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thursday: Vote Flip

Happy Live Eviction Thursday, BB addicts!! Okay, so a lot happened yesterday and it seems that Analyse will be evicted tonight instead of Christie. Whhhhhat?! Yep! You read that right. So, how did the vote flip? Let's find out...

Christie started campaigning to Jackson (3:28pm BBT). It's a long conversation, so use Flashbacks on the feeds to watch it.

Anyway, so Jackson said when he talked to Analyse, she didn't commit to wanting to work with him moving forward and didn't offer him any deals to be saved. Christie chimed in and said if she stays, she'd gun for Nick/Nicole and that she'd be okay with going out in 5th place VS 9th place. Then you add in Holly pushing Jackson to keep Christie since she wants Analyse out so badly and boom; vote flipped.

Then, as of last night, we have yet another alliance that formed. This one consists of Jackson/Holly/Cliff/Nicole.

Plus Jackson/Holly are kinda working with Tommy/Christie. It's all one big clusterf***. lol (Hopefully I got all the details right, it's confusing even if you're watching the feeds! haha)

At 8:32pm BBT, this popped up on the living room TV screen...

BB Birdwatching Audio Tour is for an upcoming comp (possibly tonight). BB will play bird sounds and the names of the birds, and they have to remember them.

Tonight is the HOH Comp and it's gonna be a nail-bitter for sure!! Who will win? Who do you want to win? I seriously have no idea who I'd like to see win, since there's so many ways this week could turn into all hell breaking loose and I.AM.HERE.FOR.IT.

Ok guys & gals, I'll be back tonight to live-blog the eviction/HOH Comp so meet me back here with snackies in hand at 9pm ET!! :D

Stay tuned...
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1 comment:

Nancy M said...

I'm happy sis is going she brings nothing to the game I would have liked a blindside tho since she thinks everyone loves her lol.

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