Veto Ceremony Spoiler:
Nick used the veto on himself.
Kat is the replacement nom.
Kat/Sam are on the block.
Kat volunteered to go up as a pawn. Sam will go home on Thursday and he knows it. There won't be any blindsides or anything. In fact, Sam was planning to do an epic eviction that blows up Christie's game, but eventually everyone found out and Christie even said she's not worried about it. Then Nick talked Sam out of doing it altogether, so Sam said he'd rather leave being loved than hated, so he won't do any blowing-games-up speeches.
In other news...
Nick probably sealed his fate in the game, after he commented to Jackson on his weight gain. lol Nick asked him how much weight he's gained in the house and Jackson said 15 lbs. But I'm pretty sure it's been more than 15 lbs. lol I mean...come on, dude.
Jackson, who used to always walk around without a shirt on in the house, now never does. Holly has commented that she misses his abs (this was a week or so ago, and that's when he broke up with her...but they're back together now).
Speaking of Jackson and Holly...
Holly has had a mystery rash for weeks now and it's always after she has sex with Jackson. She keeps thinking it's from the hot tub or from bed bugs in the HOH bed. Little does she know that Jackson isn't telling her that it's because he smears deodorant on his 'franks and beans'.
In closing...
Nicole is kinda isolated and on her own, since Nick is sorta kinda back in with the Six Shooters and Sam is leaving Thursday. Jessica (#Who?) is basically non-existent in the game and if she stays out of the way, I can see her sliding into the Final 3 at this rate. Tommy/Christine's HOH punishment (Poison Ivy costumes) is now over. It was so lame anyway, nobody gives a crap. Speaking of Christie, she told Tommy that she'll probably have to get Jackson out by herself since nobody else wants to pull the trigger. Tommy told her "It's too soon still". *rubs temples*
The rest of the feeds are full of Jackson stuffing his face and giving the HG's a mild case of food poisoning yesterday from under cooking meals for the everyone. Jackson got the worst of it and was puking, as a few other HG's (including Nick and Christie) had diarrhea. Nick said he was "peeing out of his a**hole". (I can't believe I just typed that.)
And that's it for this post! Y'all can go ahead and just enjoy the next few days offline, as I don't expect anything to happen until Thursday. I'm hoping for a Nicole HOH so we can see some action for once. Have a good rest of your Tuesday!!
Stay tuned...
I know everyone is complaining and hates this season but it's true I'm soo boredddd aahhhh lol
thanks Jamie - these people are just so awful and boring. I really think these are the results when you go after people for a show like Love Island or one of those other ones, instead of people that know how to play the game and have been fans of the show. It makes it really boring and just shows some bad personalities.
I don't think it's fair at all that Christie and Tommy know each other well and no one in the house realizes it. And now production is telling people what's being said about them on the outside? Isn't the whole point of the show how they learn to live together? ugh!
Do you know how I can watch the show on Thursday live? I have Directv with no cbs!
I am so sorry for you having to go through this Jamie. This season is a special kind of torture for us viewers and blog followers, but it must be true BB HELL for you to HAVE to watch the feeds and shows just to give us the basics. And for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Sending you a donation even though I am currently boycotting watching the actual show (and I don't watch feeds....just read the blogs now "because I'm addicted" and just can't quit 100% cold T) good luck and hope you have a great rest of your summer despite this horrendous disappointment of a season.
This year is so awful. I keep thinking I will quit watching but I still do. I have no idea how they managed to get this many horrible houseguests and bullies!
Man what a snooze fest season this is so far. Everyone just content with laying around all summer. A few people are really running the game and everyone knows who they are but are just fine with letting them make moves each week. This six shooter alliance needs to have some drama happen soon I would think (please please please). Seems like they are fracturing but still content with working with each other because no one wants to “get blood on their hands”. They owe us fans an all star season after this season for sure. Bring back the players that oh I don’t the game!! Anyways thanks again Jamie for your posts.
Thanks guys! Yea it's brutal. lol On the plus side, this is the first time in a DECADE that I've had a summer!! It's amazing!! haha It feels weird though...normally if I go out swimming, I have to watch my phone (twitter, etc) for anything BB related, like on Veto Comp days...or spending every Thursday night at home blogging the live show. It's been very weird not doing the Overnighters and having time in the morning during the summer is just odd. coffee outside with birds chirping..ahhh. Relaxing! Odd, but relaxing.
AmazonChic...thank you so much for supporting the blog during this trying time! lol It is SO MUCH APPRECIATED, you have no idea!!! THANK YOU!!
I've been watching it on Hulu live tv add on.
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