It appears that David might have been the houseguest to get "banished", but nothing is confirmed just yet.
Tonight at 8pm ET is the Part 2 BB21 premiere, so make sure you tune in and get caught up before the live feeds get turned on TONIGHT!!!! (They come on after the West Coast airing.) In the meantime, I'm working on the HG's banner for the top of the blog. (You guys on the mobile view can see it if you scroll down and click "view web version").
So what did you guys & gals think of last night's first episode? Who do you like? Who don't you like? Who's your pick to win? Let me know in the comments section!!
Stay tuned...
Hi Jamie!! So good to have you back! I'm in Canada so I rely on your blog to keep me updated. Thanks for all you do! I will be donating!!
I do not like Jackson! Bella makes me laugh. I think it's going to be a good season!
Hey Jamie! I’m so glad you’re back this year. I love reading your blog. I’m digging this cast so far. Least favorites are Jackson, Kathryn, and Nicole. I can’t stand Jackson and his alpha male ego. My favorites so far are Tommy, Isabella, and Nick
I enjoyed last night's episode. It's a pretty good mix of people. For now, I'm rooting for Jessica and Cliff. I want to see the older guy make it far. I can't really say that I dislike anyone at this moment, it's too soon for me. And if I had to pick a winner, just based off of last night's episode, I would pick Jessica. I love her confidence. I will see if my thoughts remain the same by the end of the season..LOL.
I like the truck driver. (Sam). Jackson is good too. I like Analyse the soccer player. She will be a beast in endurance stuff! Im sure I’ll change my mind! I like funny/smartassy people. I hope there is drama right away! Welcome to BIIIIIG Brother! And thank you Jamie! I look forward to another season with you and your blogs! You are THE BEST! Let’s goooooooo
Welcome back Jamie..
I wish the house guest had to earn the food they get. The way it was way back in the first season's.
Welcome Back Jamie! Your the highlight of our office coffee chit chat. Can't wait for a (hopefully) great season of BB.
Aww tell the office I said hi!!!
I agree!
Thank you :D
Let's gooooo!!
My opinions always change after the season starts loll
Thanks for being with me and the BB Addicted fam for another season!!
Here's hoping :D
Hi Marilyn! Xx
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