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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thursday: Overnighter (Lite Edition)

Good morning and happy Thursday to y'all!! This is the official first Overnighter of the BB21 season, albeit a lite edition since the feeds haven't been on for very long yet. lol ;)

So, here's the breakdown of what's happening so far...
*Christie is the HOH this week
*Nominations already took place

Nominated for Eviction: 

*Kemi is this weeks target via a backdoor plan
*Veto players were already picked around 12:45am BBT last night

Veto Comp Players are:

Host: Tommy

*The Veto Comp will most likely be played today (Thursday) and will air on Tuesday's episode

In other news...
Both Jessica/Kemi are onto there being an alliance in the house. As we found out last night on the show, there's a 6 person alliance (Jack/Jackson/Nick/Holly/Isabella/Christie). Kemi, ironically, told Isabella last night that she thinks 'all 5 of them' (she did not include Bella) are in an alliance. lol (12:08am BBT)

If you're wondering why Kemi is being targeted, the reasons I heard last night was from Nick saying how she's "not good for" Nick's game and that she's "always scheming". I haven't really heard any other reasons yet.

In other news, it seems that Jack/Christie are getting super close and it's raising suspicion with Jackson (his bromance), because what he tells Jack eventually gets back to Christie. Speaking of, those 2 (Jack/Christie) spent a lot of time laying together last night. Not sure if they're just playing each other, forming an actual close friendship or what. Time will tell on that one.

And that's it for this Overnighter!! The season has just begun and it's going to take a couple of days to really get to know this cast but so far, it looks very promising!! :D What do you guys & gals think? Let me know!

Stay tuned...
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bbloverlo said...

players love to target the black people early on, and it’s extremely annoying.

Reggie45 said...

Just checking in for another year! Thanks for all you do, Jamie!

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