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Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning and happy TGI-Friday, y'all!! So last night, the HG's had their HOH Comp (feeds were off during the comp) and when they came back on, we learned that...

The New HOH is:


Wow!! So Cliff got evicted, won the Camp Comeback comp to get back in the game, and then wins the HOH Comp. What a day for Cliff!! So this can either be good news or bad news for us: either the power has finally shifted to the outsiders for the 1st time this season, or Cliff is gonna do the Six Shooters bidding and nominate Nick/Bella for eviction. Time will tell.

Jackson doesn't wanna act fake nice to Nick/Bella anymore, as Jack does. Also, Jack said he forbids the 9 to talk to the outsiders. (*Can he go this week, please?! Ugh.)

Tommy did damage control with Cliff (for voting him out), as Cliff said he understands why he was voted out because he was caught saying he's going for the pairs in the house. Tommy then went and told Nicole that he wanted to tell her that she's staying, but he couldn't.

Nick kissed Jacks a** and told him he wants them to be able to trust him and knows that he's gotta distance himself from Bella for his own game. Meanwhile, Bella thinks she's still in the big alliance. (*lol)

Christie (who has the DPOV power) tried to do damage control of her own, telling Cliff that he was only targeted because of his Cliffnotes talk and spilling the beans that he was targeting the couples. Cliff told her that he's no longer targeting couples (*hmm.) Speaking of Christie, she blabbed to even more HG's about her power: this time it was to Jessica and Nicole. (*I think only Cliff doesn't know about her power at this point. Jeez. lol)

In other news...
Jackson told Kat (who's playing both sides of the house) to tell Cliff to put up Nick/Bella. Later on, Jackson  told Cliff that he (Jackson) can be a pawn if need be. (The numbers are on his side, so it's not risky to him. Has nobody told these HGs that pawns go home?!) At 2:50am BBT, Cliff told Jackson that he wants to work with him/Holly. (*Oh, please no.) Jackson, of course, pinned the votes to get Cliff out all on Nick/Bella in an attempt to get them nom'ed. He also told Cliff that if he puts up Nick/Bella, then the Six Shooters will have his back moving forward.

What a mess! And I love it!!! I'm legit excited to see how things unfold this week. I'm hoping it's the turn around we've all been wanting and needing. I'll be back later today with the Nomination Ceremony spoiler. Until then, enjoy the feeds!

PS I'll update the blogs HG banner later today, I have to scurry outta here and go to work. :P

Stay tuned...
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Lea said...


Molls said...

Can’t wait to see how the week plays out!!!!!
I hope the Alliance chart maker will draw up a new one since Camp Comeback is out of play now.

Toddmichael said...

I had pretty much given up caring this season. I haven't watched a single Afterhours I've recorded since I just have no care for the Gr8tful people and I especially can't stand what amounts to douche bro dominance so far.

Hell... I haven't even bothered to turn on the live feeds since I just don't care.

And then to read SOMETHING finally happens makes me excited for the first time this season.

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