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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sunday: The Overnighter

Happy Sunday Funday, BB addicts!! I'm sipping on my morning coffee and going through last night's happenings, so let's see what the HG's were up to last night!

Christie told her alliance that the whole backdoor Kemi thing isn't sitting right with her, as Jackson was saying that he doesn't trust Bella/Nick and complaining about Kat. (12:13am BBT)

This weeks target seems to have shifted from Kemi to Ovi, at least for now. With this cast, I'm sure that'll change in an hour or two. lol Sam still plans on using the veto to save Cliff, and then Christie would put up a renom (Ovi) and he'd be the target this week.

Sam told Bella the plan for this week is for Sam to the use veto, Christie will fake being shocked by Sam using the veto, and then make it seem like she doesn't know who to pick and then just pick Ovi, and they'll vote him out this week. (10:53pm BBT)

Sam said this will leave everyone happy and Sam will still be able to keep his word to Cliff to keep him safe this week by pulling him off the block. It's a win-win, except for poor Ovi.

In other news, Kat spent a lot of yesterday crying and saying that she wants to quit the game but 'they' (production) won't "let her". She told this to Jessica. (9:25pm BBT)
Kat said she misses her friends and she feels like she's ruining "her friends game" (Jackson?) because she can't talk to him. (Jackson has been distancing himself from her ever since they slept together.)

At 2:50am BBT, Kemi told Jessica/Nicole that if she wins HOH, she's putting up Jack/Jackson. Nicole tells them that Christie had mentioned that she wanted to backdoor Jack this week but doesn't think the votes are there.

Nicole: "(Christie) said 'I'm afraid of (Jack)..I'm too afraid that the guys would get behind him and he would stay and I would be f*cked over."

They run a scenario if it was Jack (as the renom instead of Ovi) on the block VS Kat: votes to evict Jack would be them 3 (Kemi/Nicole/Jessica) plus Bella, Analyse, Cliff, and possibly Nick and Ovi. So there's 8 possible votes to evict Jack.

And that's it for The Overnighter! So it looks like Kemi will be safe this week and Ovi will be this weeks evicted houseguest, though you never know with this cast if that plan will change. The Veto Ceremony should take place today (the first week of BB is always off of the normal schedule), so we'll see what happens then.

Also, don't forget that tonight we have a new BB21 episode at 8pm ET so make sure to tune in! Have a great Sunday Funday, y'all and enjoy watching the live feeds!! :D

Stay tuned...
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