My overall reaction? I love all 16 houseguests!! I don't mean "Oh I really like them all", I mean I love the potential for drama from these houseguests for hookups, fights, crying, and competitiveness. It's going to be a fantastic season!!
My personal preseason favorites are Nick and Jack.
Nick is a mental health therapist, which will (in my opinion) give him a huge advantage in the game, psychologically speaking. If you know the monster you're up against, you'll know how to slay it. ;) He also took jabs at past cereal eating houseguests by saying us BB fans won't be seeing him do that on the show. I, for one, am extremely grateful for that. lol
Then we have Jack. He said that he's a competitor and hates "one-uppers" (storytellers). He's also a bit of a "control freak". Jack does have a softer side to him, though. He admitted to crying while in sequester due to doing some self reflection. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing him on the feeds this summer, he sounds interesting.
Sidenote: If these two form an alliance, I'd be one happy gal!
One houseguest that I don't foresee making it far, is David.
He said he's "honest" and "empathic". Umm yea, I don't see him lasting very long in there. lol ;)
And one more comment before I start to wrap up this post..
I was pleasantly surprised by Cliff. He's a little bit more savage than what I expected him to be. lol
He said he's not on BB for fame or for Instagram followers, he's there for the money and only the money. Oh Cliff, you are a man after my own heart with comments like that.
So that's my short version of my thoughts on the houseguests, but you can head over to Twitter to see all my tweets about them as I watched their live interviews if you're interested in reading more about my thoughts on the cast. If you'd like to watch the interviews for yourself, go get the feeds and check'em out!!
(Tip: It's under "Clips" on the BB main page on CBS).
Overall, I'm digging the older cast and it's more diverse than past seasons. We even have a plus size model in there, which I just love!! (Her name is Jessica and she's gorgeous!)
Okay, so that's it for this post! We should have the BB21 house tour with Julie Chen on Thursday and then BB21 Premiere Night will be this Tuesday, June 25th!! It's a 2-night premiere, with Part 2 taking place the following night on June 26th (that's also when the feeds will go live).
Less than a week to go, y'all!!! :D Soo excited!!!
PS A HUGE thank you to those that have already donated to support the blog this season!! I wish I could email you guys a personal thank you but paypal isn't displaying them for me this year for some reason. Just know that I am beyond grateful and humbled by your amazing support. You guys & gals are the absolute best BB family out there and I love y'all!!!
Stay tuned...
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