Watch BB21!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

BB21 Premiere Night (Part 1)

It's here! It's here! It's finally here!!! Tonight is the BB21 Premiere Night (Part 1) and we can expect to meet the houseguests and maybe find out about this seasons twist (although they may keep that for tomorrow night's Part 2 premiere).

What we do know is that after tomorrow night's Part 2 premiere, the feeds will turn on (around 1am ET) and then our summer addiction will begin!!

What's that? You don't have the live feeds? No problem!! It's only $6 for CBS All Access and the feeds are included in that! You also get like a zillion episodes from other CBS shows, including live TV. I cannot tell you how many times the live TV feature saved me when our signal was weak due to storms. lol

*Please signup using the links on the blog to help support it!! Any link or banner will work just fine. :) Thank you so, sooo much!!*

So go ahead, grab your live feeds, go out and get your snackies and enjoy tonight's Part 1 BB21 Premiere at 8pm ET!! :D

PS I'm working on getting the HG's banner for the top of the blog done and it will be up before tomorrow night's Part 2 premiere. ;)

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

So happy you are back for another season! It wouldn't be the same without you! You're awesome!

Mikomama said...

You do an amazing job every season!! Looking forward to the show and your blog! Thanks for what you do.

Jamie said...

love you guys!! :D

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